
The significance of the 11 CD19 and BCMA CAR-T therapies currently approvedin China and the U.S. forpatients with hematologic malignancies.

The significance of the 11 CD19 and BCMA CAR-T therapies currently approvedin China and the U.S. forpatients with hematologic malignancies.

目前中美上市的11款CD19和BCMA CAR-T对血液瘤患者的意义


**Jing Pan**

**Associate Chief Physician**

**Department of Pediatric Hematology, Beijing Gaobo Hospital**

**Professional Memberships:**

– Member, Pediatric Oncology Professional Committee of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association

– Youth Committee Member, Hematologic Oncology Professional Committee of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association

– Youth Committee Member, Clinical Application Professional Committee of the Chinese Medical Biotechnology Association


Dr. Pan currently manages an 80-bed pediatric hematology unit and has extensive experience in pediatric hematology, particularly in CAR-T cell immunotherapy, with nearly 10 years of experience in the field. She is dedicated to stratified CAR-T treatment, optimizing the management of complications during CAR-T therapy, and establishing an efficacy monitoring system post-treatment. Dr. Pan and her team have accumulated one of the largest single-center case collections globally, particularly in the areas of sequential CAR-T therapy for improving long-term outcomes in B-ALL and in exploring autologous and allogeneic CD5, CD7 CAR-T therapy for T-ALL/LBL.

Her related clinical research on CD7 CAR-T, CD19 CAR-T, CD22 CAR-T, and CD19-22 sequential CAR-T has been published in leading international journals such as *Lancet Oncology*, *JCO*, *Blood*, *JHO*, and *Leukemia*. Additionally, she has frequently presented the latest advancements in her team’s immunotherapy research at both domestic and international conferences, including ASCO, ASH, EHA, and JSH.

潘 静
北京高博医院 小儿血液科
目前独立管理床位数80张的儿童血液病区。从事儿童血液科临床工作多年,特别是在儿童CAR-T细胞免疫治疗方面积累了近10年的经验。致力于CAR-T的分层治疗,优化CAR-T治疗过程中的并发症处理,建立CAR-T治疗后的疗效监控体系。尤其是其带领团队在序贯CAR-T提高B-ALL远期预后,T-ALL/LBL的自体、异体CD5、CD7CAR-T治疗探索方面目前积累了全球较大的单中心病例数。相关的CD7CAR-T临床研究、CD19CAR-T临床研究、CD22CAR-T临床研究、CD19-22序贯CAR-T研究等,发表在国际血液病权威杂志期刊Lancet on-cology、JC0、Blood、JHO和Leukemia。并多次在国内外学术会议(美国临床肿瘤大会ASCO、美国血液年会ASH、欧洲血液年会EHA、日本血液年会JSH)汇报团队免疫治疗的最新进展。

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