image 11 months ago

CAR T-cell Therapy: The Past, Present & Future

Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-cell Therapy has been hailed as the next frontier of oncology, as it is an innovative and revolutionary approach to treating cancers. Here is a look at how the t...

image 11 months ago

Understanding the 5 Main Types of Head & Neck Cancers

In this issue of HealthNews, medical oncologist Dr Lim Hong Liang tells us about the main types of head and neck cancers, the signs and symptoms to look out for, as well as the treatment availabl...

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Stomach Cancer: The Silent Killer

Stomach cancer is the seventh most common cancer in Singaporean men, and the ninth most common cancer in Singaporean women1. Symptoms do not show until later stages, making this disease ‘a silent...

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5 Common Questions About Cancer Pain, Answered

In this issue of HealthNews, Dr Kok Jaan Yang, Senior Consultant, Palliative Medicine, answers some common questions about cancer pain. What causes cancer pain? Cancer pain is generally cau...

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