
Yescarta List Price

Yescarta List Price

Cancer treatment has come a long way, and one of the most promising advancements in recent years is the development of CAR-T cell therapy. Yescarta, also known as “奕凯达” in Chinese, is a revolutionary CAR-T cell therapy that has been making waves in the medical community. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the list price of Yescarta, its availability, and the factors contributing to its cost.

The Cost of Hope

United States Pricing

Yescarta was initially priced at $373,000 in the United States when it was first approved by the FDA in 2017. However, in 2022, the price was raised to approximately $424,000, reflecting the high cost of research, development, and manufacturing associated with this cutting-edge treatment.

United Kingdom Pricing

In the United Kingdom, Yescarta carries a list price of approximately £300,000 (around $370,000 at the current exchange rate). While the cost is substantial, it highlights the global demand for this life-saving therapy.

China Pricing

In China, where Yescarta is known as “阿基伦赛,” the list price is set at 1.2 million RMB(approximately $170,000). This pricing reflects the country’s efforts to make advanced cancer treatments more accessible to its vast population.

Factors Influencing the Cost

Research and Development

The development of CAR-T cell therapies like Yescarta involves extensive research and clinical trials, which are both time-consuming and costly. Pharmaceutical companies invest billions of dollars in the pursuit of these groundbreaking treatments, which contributes significantly to the final price.

Manufacturing Process

Yescarta is a personalized therapy, meaning that each dose is tailored to an individual patient’s unique genetic makeup. This complex manufacturing process requires specialized facilities, highly trained personnel, and strict quality control measures, all of which drive up the cost.

Regulatory Approvals

Obtaining regulatory approvals for innovative therapies like Yescarta is a rigorous process that involves extensive data collection and analysis. Compliance with stringent safety and efficacy standards adds to the overall cost of development and commercialization.

Market Exclusivity

Pharmaceutical companies often seek to protect their investments through patent exclusivity, which grants them a period of market exclusivity. During this time, they can charge higher prices to recoup their research and development costs before generic competition enters the market.

Access and Reimbursement

While the list price of Yescarta may seem prohibitively expensive, it is essential to consider the potential for reimbursement and financial assistance programs. Many healthcare systems and insurance providers cover a significant portion of the cost for eligible patients, making this life-saving treatment more accessible.

Additionally, pharmaceutical companies often offer patient assistance programs to help alleviate the financial burden for those who qualify. These programs can provide co-pay assistance, free drug supplies, or other forms of support to ensure that cost is not a barrier to accessing this potentially life-saving therapy.


The list price of Yescarta may seem staggering, but it reflects the immense effort, resources, and innovation required to bring this revolutionary treatment to market. As research continues and manufacturing processes become more efficient, it is possible that the cost may become more manageable over time.

Ultimately, the true value of Yescarta lies in its potential to save lives and provide hope to those battling certain types of cancer. While the financial burden cannot be ignored, it is essential to weigh the potential benefits against the cost, especially when considering the priceless value of human life.

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