About Us

Beijing, China’s Lu Daopei Hospital has significantly advanced the field of CAR T-cell treatment. Lu Daopei Hospital, which places a high priority on cancer treatment and research, has been at the forefront of applying CAR T-cell therapy to treat haematological malignancies. Oncologists, immunologists, and geneticists on their team have been committed to completing clinical trials and creating patient-specific CAR T-cell therapy. Lu Daopei Hospital has seen encouraging improvements in patient outcomes and survival rates because to their knowledge and cutting-edge facilities. Their work continues to influence how cancer is treated, opening up fresh opportunities for patients who are in need of hope. Till date they claim to have done more than 1000 CAR T-Cell therapy infusions.

  • Established_In 2012
  • Hospital_Grade Tertiary Hematology Hospital
Our doctor
Junfang Yang
lv fang yong
Peihua (Peggy) Lu, M.D.
Xian Zhang
  • Hemopathy

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