
Tags Archives: CART

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6 months ago Myeloma , patient story









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7 months ago CAR-T

Thérapie révolutionnaire apporte un nouvel espoir : le patient suisse Thomas commence le traitement CAR-T à l’hôpital Tongji de Wuhan

**Thérapie révolutionnaire apporte un nouvel espoir : le patient suisse Thomas commence le traitement CAR-T à l’hôpital Tongji de Wuhan**

L’équipe du professeur Li Chunrui de l’hôpital Tongji de Wuhan a mené avec succès un cas de thérapie immunitaire à cellules T à récepteur antigénique chimérique (CAR-T) pour un patient atteint de myélome multiple récurrent et réfractaire, offrant une nouvelle vie au patient suisse Thomas.


Thomas, un patient suisse de 54 ans, lutte contre le myélome multiple depuis près de dix ans. Diagnostiqué pour la première fois en 2016, il a enduré de sévères douleurs osseuses et a subi plusieurs cycles de chimiothérapie systémique et de traitement par anticorps monoclonaux. Bien que son état ait été temporairement contrôlé, les rechutes répétées, dont la plus récente en 2022, ont rendu le traitement de plus en plus difficile.


Cependant, le développement mondial de la thérapie CAR-T a ravivé l’espoir. L’introduction du FUCASO (Eque-cel), le premier produit CAR-T entièrement humain en Chine continentale, a apporté une nouvelle lumière à Thomas. Ce traitement révolutionnaire présente non seulement une faible immunogénicité, mais offre également une efficacité prolongée, permettant aux patients de retrouver une qualité de vie élevée.


Thomas a finalement choisi de recevoir la thérapie CAR-T de pointe à l’hôpital Tongji, cherchant une percée fondamentale dans son traitement. La procédure d’aphérèse a été réalisée par l’équipe hématologique de premier plan de l’hôpital, qui possède une expertise de niveau international et met un accent particulier sur les besoins spécifiques des patients et la sécurité du traitement. Le médecin traitant a expliqué en détail le processus d’aphérèse lors d’une interview, déclarant : “Nous avons précisément collecté des cellules T du corps de Thomas, puis modifié ces cellules dans un environnement contrôlé pour cibler spécifiquement les cellules cancéreuses du myélome multiple. L’utilisation de FUCASO a grandement amélioré la spécificité et le taux de succès du traitement.”


Thomas a exprimé une reconnaissance et une appréciation élevées pour le professionnalisme de l’équipe hospitalière et la transparence du processus de traitement. L’hôpital Tongji a mis à profit sa technologie et ses équipements avancés pour offrir à Thomas une expérience d’aphérèse fluide et efficace, assurant une collecte de cellules T de haute qualité et ouvrant la voie au traitement ultérieur.


Thomas est maintenant rempli de confiance et d’anticipation, attendant avec impatience la nouvelle vie que promet la thérapie CAR-T. Ce nouveau départ marque une étape significative dans son parcours de traitement, injectant un nouvel espoir dans son chemin vers la guérison.


Nous continuerons à suivre le traitement ultérieur du patient et à en rendre compte.


#CART #MyelomeMultiple #FUCASOJourney #Equecel #HopitalTongji #SurvivantDuCancer #CancerDuSang #Immunotherapie #CARTEntierementHumain #TraitementDuCancer

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7 months ago Myeloma

Interpretation of Hot Topics Conerning Relapsed/Refractory Mutiple Myeloma Patients

💐Interpretation of Hot Topics Conerning Relapsed/Refractory Mutiple Myeloma Patients:💐

What other treatment options are available for patients with relapsed Multiple Myeloma?

How effective is the new drug treatment for the first relapse of Multiple Myeloma?

What treatment options are available for initial relapse of multiple myeloma?

What are the treatment goals for Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma (RRMM)?

What treatment strategy should be adopted for RRMM in order to achieve maximum relief?

For Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma, what are the Grades of Response?


Expert Introduction

👩‍🔬Zhuang Junling

Associate Chief Physician Department of Hematology

Peking Union Medical College Hospital

Published over 50 papers in journals such as Blood, Leukemia Research, and others.


🎉🎉To assess whether the condition is suitable for CAR-T or clinic therapy, you can submit Advanced Medicine in China for preliminary evaluation!

WhatsApp: +8613717959070


#CART #Mutiplemyeloma #CARTtherapy #myeloma #leukemia #drug #RRMM #cancer #cancersurvivor #cancerpatient #bloodcancer #tumor #cartcell #cartcelltherapy #cancertreatment #advancedmedicineinchina #hematology

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8 months ago CAR-T , patient story

International Standards for Innovative Medical Services: The Initial Experience of Singaporean Patients at Jiahui International Hospital

Title: International Standards for Innovative Medical Services: The Initial Experience of Singaporean Patients at Jiahui International Hospital



Singaporean patient, Ms. Teresa, recently experienced unique CAR-T therapy at Jiahui International Hospital in Shanghai. From scheduling to consultation, Jiahui Hospital demonstrated its top-notch service and medical expertise. During her initial visit, Teresa was impressed by the hospital’s modern facilities and the professionalism of the medical team.

The comprehensive assistance provided by the hospital, from language translation to medical consultation, ensured her comfort and peace of mind throughout the entire treatment process. Teresa shared, “From the moment I stepped into Jiahui, every meticulous care made me feel warm.” This visit not only strengthened her trust in Chinese medical services but also laid a solid foundation for her subsequent CAR-T therapy journey.


We will continue to monitor the progress of the patients’ treatment and provide follow-up reports.


#CART #CARTTherapy #HopeReborn #FUCASOApproval #Equecel #MultipleMyeloma #JiahuiHospital #Shanghai #Immunotherapy #MedicalInnovation #MedicalBreakthrough #CancerTreatment #FullyHumanCART

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8 months ago patient story





#CART #CARTTherapy #HopeReborn #FUCASOApproval #Equecel #MultipleMyeloma #JiahuiHospital #Shanghai #Immunotherapy  #MedicalInnovation #MedicalBreakthrough #CancerTreatment #FullyHumanCART

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10 months ago Myeloma

#EBMT Conference Reveals the Best CAR-T Therapy for Multiple Myeloma – Equecabtagene Autoleucel

#EBMT Conference Reveals the Best CAR-T Therapy for Multiple Myeloma – Equecabtagene Autoleucel🍎

Multiple myeloma

Multiple myeloma


In recent years, there has been a breakthrough in the research of #CART therapy for relapsed and refractory #multiplemyeloma (RRMM). This treatment method holds promise to address the challenges of inadequate response depth and short duration of response in #RRMM patients, offering hope for achieving minimal residual disease (#MRD) negativity and functional cure in this population.

🍏Key Findings at EBMT:🍏

The upcoming 50th European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) congress is set to unveil abstracts shedding light on the efficacy of targeted #BCMA CAR-T therapies. A recent abstract titled “Indirect Comparison of the Effectiveness of Targeted BCMA CAR-T Products in RRMM (#MAIC)” for the first time reveals efficacy comparisons among four BCMA CAR-T products. The study demonstrates that Equecabtagene Autoleucel outperforms other BCMA CAR-T therapies in terms of overall response rate (#ORR) and complete response (#CR) rate, offering significant hope for RRMM patients.

🍉#Equecabtagene Autoleucel: Pioneering Fully-human BCMA #CARTTherapy:🍉

#EquecabtageneAutoleucel, the world’s first approved Fully-human BCMA CAR-T therapy, received priority review and approval in China on June 30, 2023. The MAIC analysis underscores its favorable efficacy. This article provides a systematic analysis of the efficacy data of Equecabtagene Autoleucel in the Chinese population over the past two years, as revealed in the dynamic disclosures at various international academic conferences post-approval.

🍇Efficacy Data Highlights:🍇

– In the #FUMANBA-1 Ib/II clinical study conducted in China, the sCR/CR rate reached an impressive 82.4% among RRMM patients.

– The latest data presented at the 2023 International Myeloma Society (#IMS) conference demonstrated a MRD negativity rate of 97.8% among the enrolled patients, indicating substantial tumor burden reduction.

– With a median follow-up of 18.07 months, long-term efficacy data showcased remarkable outcomes, including a median PFS not yet reached, 12-month continuous MRD negativity rate of 81.7%, and 12-month PFS rate of 85.5%.

🍒Differentiating Factors:🍒

– Equecabtagene Autoleucel exhibited shorter median time to response (#TTR) compared to other CAR-T therapies, indicating faster onset of action.

– The dissociation kinetics of Equecabtagene Autoleucel closely resemble those of natural T cells, facilitating efficient activation, killing, and proliferation within the body.

– Its rapid dissociation pattern minimizes CAR-T cell exhaustion, ensuring sustained efficacy and long-term surveillance against tumor recurrence.


The emergence of Equecabtagene Autoleucel heralds a new era in CAR-T therapy for RRMM, offering superior efficacy and durable responses. With its unique structural advantages and promising clinical data, Equecabtagene Autoleucel stands as a beacon of hope for RRMM patients worldwide, bringing them closer to achieving disease control and improved quality of life.

🎉🎉To assess whether the condition is suitable for CAR-T or clinic therapy, you can submit Advanced Medicine in China for preliminary evaluation!


WhatsApp: +8613717959070

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10 months ago patient story , Myeloma

🌈Treatment Across Continents: American Myeloma Patient Finds New Life in China!🌈

🌈Treatment Across Continents: American Myeloma Patient Finds New Life in China!🌈


cancer fight

cancer fight

🌟Mr. C from California, USA

It’s yet another heartening piece of news as Mr. C from California, USA, undergoes cross-border treatment at Jiangsu Province People’s Hospital in China, successfully overcoming multiple myeloma and embracing a new lease on life! After meticulous treatment spanning one and a half months, Mr. C, accompanied by his loved ones, has made a successful recovery and been discharged from the hospital, becoming the first American patient to be successfully treated with CAR-T cell therapy for multiple myeloma in China.

🌞New treatment method

    Mr. C, a 56-year-old American who is passionate about sports, discovered he had multiple myeloma after sustaining sports-related injuries. Despite enduring several unsuccessful treatment attempts, he refused to give up and began seeking treatment opportunities worldwide. However, the exorbitant cost of treating multiple myeloma in the USA deterred him. After comparing prices and data of CAR-T therapy for multiple myeloma between the USA and China, he ultimately decided to explore the new treatment method at Jiangsu Province People’s Hospital.

🌤Upon arriving in China,

    Mr. C not only received meticulous care from medical staff but also had the opportunity to explore the scenic beauty of cities such as Nanjing, Suzhou, and Hangzhou, experiencing the unique cultural charm of China. During the CAR-T cell therapy treatment process, Mr. C underwent a life-threatening cytokine storm, but with the emergency intervention of the medical team, he successfully weathered the storm. Today, he has recovered and been discharged from the hospital, though slightly fatigued, he is still filled with hope and gratitude.

🔥Hope and Courage

    Although Mr. C’s treatment has concluded, follow-up work will continue, with the medical team maintaining contact with his family doctor to closely monitor treatment effectiveness and subsequent conditions. As medical personnel, they sincerely hope that this treatment will provide Mr. C with more opportunities for survival.

☀️Mr. C also expressed his desire to revisit China, specifically Nanjing, to visit the experts and nurses who treated him, and of course, to continue savoring Chinese cuisine. This journey of treatment across continents not only granted Mr. C a new lease on life but also showcased the unity and dedication of medical personnel from both China and the USA. May this touching story inspire more people and bring forth more hope and courage!


⭐️CAR-T therapy

    To assess whether the condition is suitable for CAR-T therapy, you can submit pathology reports, treatment history, and discharge summaries to the Medical Department of <Advanced Medicine in China> for preliminary evaluation!

You can send electronic copies or photos of genetic testing reports and diagnostic reports to:

📞WhatsApp 137 1795 9070

The Medical Department will contact you as soon as receive the reports.


#CARTtherapy #LymphomaTreatment #CompleteRemission #MedicalAdvancements #CancerResearch #CARTProgress #HopeForPatients #SurvivingLymphoma #HealthcareInnovation #PatientStories #CancerCure #CARTSuccess #MedicalBreakthrough #ImprovingOutcomes #LymphomaAwareness #FightAgainstCancer #CARTJourney #MedicalMilestone #LongTermSurvival #BeatingCancer #lymphoma #cancerawareness

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10 months ago CAR-T , patient story

🌈 มุมมองของผู้เชี่ยวชาญ: ตัวเลือกการรักษาด้วย CAR-T ในผู้ป่วยไทย🌈

🌈 มุมมองของผู้เชี่ยวชาญ: ตัวเลือกการรักษาด้วย CAR-T ในผู้ป่วยไทย🌈


🌸 ในแผนกโรคเลือดของโรงพยาบาล Tongji ในเซี่ยงไฮ้ นายและนาง หลิวปิงได้ให้ข้อมูลรายละเอียดเกี่ยวกับสภาพการรักษาและการเดินทางในการรักษาของนาง P ผู้ป่วยชาวไทยที่มีโรคมะเร็งเม็ดเลือดหลายพัน. หลังจากที่ได้รับการรักษาหลายครั้งและมีการปลูกถ่ายเซลล์ระบบไตเองในประเทศไทย ผู้ป่วยมีอาการกลับมาซ้ำ โดยท้ายที่สุดเลือกเข้ารับการรักษาด้วย CAR-T ในประเทศจีน. นายและนาง หลิวปิงอธิบายว่าการรักษาด้วย CAR-T มีความหมายสำคัญในภาควิชามะเร็งเลือด เสนอประสิทธิผลที่น่าทึ่งสำหรับผู้ป่วยที่มีการกลับมาซ้ำหลายรอบ ยา CAR-T ที่เป็นมนุษย์สมบูรณ์ FUCASO (Eque-cel) ที่รู้จักกันดีเพื่อความมั่นใจในการเป็นตัวแทนของมนุษย์ลดการเป็นภูมิคุ้มกันและมีประสิทธิผลในระยะยาว ได้นำหวังให้ผู้ป่วยหายได้ โรงพยาบาล Tongji มีประสบการณ์ที่มากมายและการจัดการรอบด้านในการรักษาด้วย CAR-T ที่รับรองความปลอดภัยและความมีประสิทธิภาพ ให้บริการด้านการแพทย์ที่มีคุณภาพสูงให้แก่ผู้ป่วยระดับนานาชาติ


🌼 เราจะดำเนินการติดตามความคืบหน้าในการรักษาของผู้ป่วยต่อไปและให้ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมต่อไป

#การรักษาโรคมะเร็ง #CART #ผู้เชี่ยวชาญด้านการแพทย์ #คุณภาพการรักษาสูง #การรักษาแบบพิเศษ #การรักษาสุดท้าย #มะเร็งเม็ดเลือด #การดูแลรักษาแบบครบวงจร #โรงพยาบาล #การรักษาทางการแพทย์ในระดับนานาชาติ #CARTherapy #MultipleMyeloma #FUCASO #Equecel #TongjiHospital #Shanghai #MedicalInnovation #CancerTreatment #Hematology #PatientJourney #Immunotherapy #cart

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10 months ago patient story

🍀Чудесное путешествие через границы: триумф мистера Баранкова с китайской терапией CAR-T🍀

🍀Чудесное путешествие через границы: триумф мистера Баранкова с китайской терапией CAR-T🍀



🌿Познакомьтесь с мистером Баранковым,

68-летним пациентом из Санкт-Петербурга, Россия, который внезапно был диагностирован с множественной миеломой в 2018 году. После четырех лет международных консультаций он обнаружил, что Китай значительно продвинулся в области терапии CAR-T по сравнению с европейскими медицинскими учреждениями в Испании, Мюнхене, Гейдельберге и других странах. Результаты лечения в Китае ведущие в мире.


🌱После четырех лет лечения и рецидивов

После неудачной традиционной химиотерапии и двух автологичных трансплантаций гемопоэтических стволовых клеток, у него появилась возможность провести онлайн-консультацию с экспертами Международной больницы Цзяхуи в Шанхае. Во время виртуальной консультации господин Баранков был впечатлен опытом китайской медицинской команды и потенциалом лечения с помощью полностью человеческого препарата CAR-T FUCASO (Eque-cel). Учитывая лидирующее положение Китая в области терапии CAR-T, более конкурентоспособные затраты и относительно короткое время ожидания, господин Баранков принял решение отправиться в Китай для получения лечения.

#ЧудесноеПутешествие #ТерапияCART #ПересечениеГраниц #MiracleJourney #CARTTherapy #CrossingBorders #CART #Hopeofpatients #FUCASOApproval #Equecel #MultipleMyeloma #JiahuiHospital #Shanghai #Immunotherapy #MedicalInnovation #MedicalBreakthrough #CancerTreatment #FullyHumanCART

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10 months ago CAR-T

China’s another cancer center launches an international medical department, offering comprehensive one-stop medical services to overseas patients

China’s another cancer center launches an international medical department, offering comprehensive one-stop medical services to overseas patients.

cancer center

cancer center

🏬The International Medical Department of Tongji Hospital,

    affiliated with Tongji University in Shanghai, has recently been officially launched. The department focuses on providing international medical services and aims to offer overseas patients a one-stop, seamless medical experience with high-quality and convenient healthcare services.

🩺The advantages

    of the International Medical Department at Tongji Hospital go beyond providing one-stop, comprehensive medical services to overseas patients. It also means that overseas patients can receive a full range of medical services, from initial consultation to treatment and recovery, all in one place, without the need for frequent referrals or seeking treatment across multiple hospitals. The department is equipped with advanced facilities and equipment, including PET-CT scanners, linear accelerators (LA), high-end MRI and CT scanners, DSA machines, as well as integrated hybrid operating rooms, laparoscopic surgery systems, and 4K3D high-definition laparoscopes, providing patients with state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment methods.

💉Furthermore, as another cancer center in China

    it offers the most advanced CAR-T cell therapy globally to all overseas patients. Tongji Hospital, well-known for its cancer treatment expertise in China, has accumulated rich experience and professional knowledge in the field of 🧬CAR-T cell therapy🧬, enabling them to provide personalized and customized medical solutions for patients. The International Medical Department primarily serves high-end commercial insurance clients, foreign patients, overseas Chinese, diplomats and their families, and international corporate employees. The services provided by the department include initial consultation assessments, disease diagnosis, treatment plan development, surgeries and interventional therapies, rehabilitation, and follow-up care.

🩸The medical team

    is the core strength of the department. The International Medical Department at Tongji Hospital has recruited a team of foreign physicians, clinical experts, and returning young doctors from Tongji Hospital, covering almost all clinical specialties. In addition, the department regularly invites internationally renowned experts to visit, such as Professor Kurt Fritzsch, a professor of psychosomatic medicine at the University of Freiburg in Germany, and Professor Claus Cursiefen, a professor of ophthalmology at the University of Cologne in Germany. Especially as a cancer center in China, Tongji Hospital also has a team with the highest number of CAR-T cancer treatment cases worldwide, ensuring the provision of top-quality medical services to patients.

🌡If patients are interested in seeking treatment in China

    and staying at the International Medical Department of Tongji Hospital in Shanghai, or if they want to inquire about China’s cancer centers and the highest level of CAR-T therapy worldwide, the team at “Advanced medicine in China” will provide all the relevant services. These services include, but are not limited to, expert evaluations, online consultations with specialists, insurance service consultations, multilingual accompanying services, multilingual medical consultations and translation services, disease diagnosis, customized treatment plans, surgeries, interventional therapies, CAR-T treatments, hospitalization services, emergency rescue, referral services, medical companions, services for accompanying family members, and post-recovery guidance, among other value-added services, fully meeting the needs of patients.

WhatsApp: +86137 1795 9070


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10 months ago Myeloma

Another BCMA CAR-T therapy for multiple myeloma hits the market in China! – Short-term efficacy

🎉Another BCMA CAR-T therapy for multiple myeloma hits the market in China!

– Short-term efficacy ✨

multiple myeloma

multiple myeloma

💪China  CAR-T therapy

    In recent years, CAR-T cell therapy has achieved tremendous success in treating hematologic malignancies. Over the past 11 years, China has seen a surge in clinical trials evaluating the safety and efficacy of CAR-T therapy. China has now surpassed the United States as a major force in CAR-T clinical research. 🌟

🚀In the field of multiple myeloma (MM),

    China has gained regulatory approval from the NMPA for two fully human BCMA CAR-T therapies for the treatment of relapsed/refractory MM (R/R MM). These therapies are Equecabtagene Autoleucel and Zevorcabtagene Autoleucel. 💉


    While both therapies target the same BCMA and share a common co-stimulatory domain, there are some fundamental differences between them. Zevorcabtagene Autoleucel includes patients with stable disease after previous treatment, whereas Equecabtagene Autoleucel focuses on patients with relapsed or progressive MM. 🎯

📈Looking at the short-term efficacy

    The median time to peak CAR-T cells in peripheral blood is 12 days for Equecabtagene Autoleucel and 14 days for Zevorcabtagene Autoleucel. This indicates that the former can rapidly exert its effect, potentially laying the foundation for achieving clinical remission faster and better. 💥
📆Clinical trial results seem to support this notion, with Equecabtagene Autoleucel showing a median time to response (TTR) of 15 days, compared to 29 days for Zevorcabtagene Autoleucel. At the 3-month follow-up, the complete remission rates were 40.3% for Equecabtagene Autoleucel in the registered clinical trial FUMANBA-1 1b/2 phase, surpassing the rate of 28.3% observed in the registered clinical trial LUMMICAR-1 phase 2 for Zevorcabtagene Autoleucel. 📊
💉It’s worth noting that the infusion dose for Equecabtagene Autoleucel is 1×106 cells/kg, while the total infusion dose for Zevorcabtagene Autoleucel is 150×106 cells, which translates to double the dose of Equecabtagene Autoleucel for patients with a weight of 70kg-75kg. Additionally, the reinfusion dose for Zevorcabtagene Autoleucel is not fixed and needs to be increased to 1.8×108 cells for patients weighing ≥80kg. ⚖️
🌈With the increasing availability of these groundbreaking BCMA CAR-T therapies, the landscape of multiple myeloma treatment continues to expand, offering more possibilities and choices. 🔬
🎉🎉To assess whether the condition is suitable for CAR-T or clinic therapy, you can submit Advanced Medicine in China for preliminary evaluation!

WhatsApp: 137 1795 9070


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11 months ago Myeloma

Breakthrough Alert!  Bringing New Hope to Relapsed and Refractory Multiple Myeloma Patients

Breakthrough Alert!  Bringing New Hope to Relapsed and Refractory Multiple Myeloma Patients

Multiple Myeloma

Multiple Myeloma

   A recent milestone at the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University in China marks a groundbreaking achievement in the treatment of relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma (R/RMM). Professor Li Juan and her team from the Hematology Department have successfully conducted the hospital’s inaugural Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell Immunotherapy (CAR-T) for this challenging condition, ushering in a new era of treatment prospects for R/RMM patients.

    Relapsed and refractory stages are often unavoidable in the progression of Multiple Myeloma, with limited treatment options and poor prognoses for patients upon entry into this phase. CAR-T therapy, a novel precision-targeted approach in cancer treatment, involves genetically engineering T-cells to restore their functionality, effectively targeting tumors with remarkable precision, speed, and efficiency. Both domestic and international studies have shown promising results for CAR-T therapy in R/RMM patients, making it one of the most effective treatments available for this condition.

     The first patient to undergo CAR-T therapy at our hospital was a 42-year-old male diagnosed with multiple myeloma two years prior at another medical institution. After undergoing conventional treatments for a period, including autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, his disease unfortunately relapsed nine months post-transplant. Despite immediate intervention by experts, the disease was only briefly controlled, and the patient’s prognosis declined rapidly as he entered the refractory stage, with an estimated survival period of less than 20 months.

    With the approval of China’s first CAR-T BCMA multiple myeloma product, FUCASO, the patient and his family, after thorough consultations with healthcare professionals, opted for CAR-T therapy. Prior to treatment, the hematology team meticulously discussed potential complications and collaborated with relevant departments to establish comprehensive contingency plans. Following rigorous screening, lymphocyte collection, CAR-T cell preparation, and infusion, the patient smoothly progressed through the CAR-T cell infusion stage as planned.

     By the third week post-infusion, the patient experienced gradual relief from rib pain. On the 28th day post-infusion, bone marrow examination revealed no myeloma cells, and related indicators along with a full-body PET/CT scan indicated negativity for extramedullary lesions, showcasing significant treatment efficacy. The patient was successfully discharged, marking a triumphant milestone in his journey towards recovery.

     According to experts, with the continuous refinement of national guidelines for CAR-T cell therapy, the formal introduction of China’s first CAR-T product for myeloma treatment offers promising prospects for extending the survival period of domestic patients with refractory and relapsed multiple myeloma.


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