
What happens during TIL therapy?

After you’ve completed your conditioning chemotherapy, you are ready for your TIL therapy. You will receive your treatment in a specialized cellular therapy unit in the Center for Care and Discovery that is staffed by physicians and nurses who are experts in cellular therapy care. Here’s what you can expect:

  • We will place a temporary central venous catheter (central line) to deliver the TILs back into your body.
  • Your cancer team will give you the thawed TILs as an infusion through your central line. This process usually takes a few hours.
  • Later that day, we will give you an immunotherapy drug called interleukin-2 (IL-2) that stimulates your TILs to multiply.
  • We will give you more IL-2 over the next five days while you are in the hospital. You may feel feverish and weak, and we will closely monitor you for any complications.
  • After five days in the hospital, you can return home.
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