Cardiovascular therapy

As the most populous country worldwide, China has ≈ 290 million patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), representing the leading cause of death in Chinese population. The morbidity and mortality of CVDs are continuously rising. Here, we will first summarize the recent advance in the management of CVDs such as coronary arterial disease, arrhythmia, and heart failure in China. In particular, we will introduce the development of chest pain centers and indicate the novel techniques and methods applied for the management of CVDs. Then, we will discuss and point out the importance of improving the clinical and basic research for Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of CVDs. Finally, we will emphasize the efforts made to promote cardiac rehabilitation and cardiovascular prevention system in China. We are striving to establish a practical prevention-treatment-rehabilitation system and looking forward to a bright future with reduced morbidity and mortality from CVDs in China.

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